When your cat “misses” the litter box

Even though we love our cats very much, we may not like every single thing they do. There are definitely some feline behaviors we can live without! Scratching our furniture, shedding on our black pants and coughing up hairballs are a few habits we’d just as soon not have to deal with. One of the [...]

By |2021-03-11T08:16:57+00:00April 29th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on When your cat “misses” the litter box

What you need to know about Cats and Kidney Disease

Kidney disease, kidney failure or chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a renal disease in which a cat’s kidneys progressively shut down. Just as in the case of humans, cats often develop CKD as part of the aging process. Compared to us, however, cats are much more likely to get the disease.  CKD will develop in [...]

By |2021-03-11T08:16:58+00:00April 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What you need to know about Cats and Kidney Disease

How to plan ahead financially for your cat’s medical care

Many cat parents don’t expect that their cats will get sick. As a result, they often don’t put aside money for the day when their beloved pet develops a life-threatening disease, has an accident, or ingests something toxic. The subsequent trip to an emergency veterinary care hospital can drop a sudden and unexpected bill exceeding [...]

By |2021-03-11T08:16:58+00:00April 15th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to plan ahead financially for your cat’s medical care

How to get your cat to the vet – reducing stress for yourself and your cat

Routine veterinary exams are an essential part of keeping your cat healthy. However, these visits can be stressful for both of you. And that stress often starts before you have even left home. For example, the struggle to get your feline into the carrier can start the whole process off on the wrong foot. Making [...]

By |2021-03-11T08:16:58+00:00April 1st, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to get your cat to the vet – reducing stress for yourself and your cat

The Lily Plant is Deadly for Cats

Spring is finally here and soon there will be flowers everywhere.  Did you know that many of our favorite flowers are dangerous to cats? Some of these toxic flowers do little more than give your furry friend a bit of indigestion or, at worst, a case of diarrhea. But some are deadly. The ASPCA has [...]

By |2021-03-11T08:16:58+00:00April 1st, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Lily Plant is Deadly for Cats
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