5 Ways We Ensure Your Cat’s Safety During General Anesthesia

Whether your cat is scheduled for a dental procedure or a routine neuter procedure, we understand your concerns about your feline friend undergoing anesthesia. Because you cannot hold your cat’s paw as they undergo anesthesia and while they recover, our Just Cats Clinic team wants to ease your mind by sharing five ways we ensure [...]

By |2022-08-22T02:08:21+00:00August 21st, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Ways We Ensure Your Cat’s Safety During General Anesthesia

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease: Long Name, Big Problems

If you have ever owned a cat, you are likely familiar with feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). Cats are mysterious creatures, inside and out, and that includes how their urinary tract works. For numerous—at times unknown—reasons, cats’ urinary tracts become inflamed, irritated, or infected, which can lead your cat to eliminate inappropriately. To understand [...]

By |2022-08-11T03:14:40+00:00August 7th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease: Long Name, Big Problems
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